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Parenting Classes - NRH

Toddlerhood Transitions/Toddler Way

(September 13-October 18, 2015)

While parents of toddlers (ages eighteen to thirty-six months) are the target audience, many principles extend to children four years of age and beyond. When possible, we recommend parents with toddlers first go through The Toddlerhood Transition series before entering Growing Kids God’s Way. These weeks of practical teaching will cover the following topics:

  • The Principle of WHY

  • The Journey of Fatherhood

  • The Journey of Motherhood

  • Structuring Your Child's Day

  • The Nature of Toddler Conflict

  • The Why of Obedience

  • Sending Right and Wrong Messages

  • Instruction, Encouragement and Correction

Parenting from the Tree of Life (Formerly the Growing Kids God's Way class)

(August 16-November 22, 2015)

This values based curriculum helps parents reach the hearts of their children (ages 3 – 12 years).

Topics include:

  • How to help children internalize virtues and values and how to help them practically live out the character of God in their life.

  • What parents do to foster insecure children and how they can fix the problems that might now exist.

  • How to say "I love you" to your children and spouse in such a way that each member actually feels the full sensation of parental love.

  • How fathers build or undermine their children's sense of trust and confidence in parental leadership and how to build family loyalty and identity.

  • What is true character and how do you teach your children to love and prefer each other?

  • Learn what true biblical discipline is and what are the principles of first time obedience.

  • How to train right behavior into children so you will not have to spend unnecessary time correcting wrong behavior.

  • How to successfully handle sibling conflict, temper tantrums, and the three sister sins: lying, cheating and stealing.

  • How to instill that wonderful life-virtue of personal self-control and a sense of personal responsibility.

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